Rat embryo cardiac characterization
Aim: Study of the effect of a post-translational modification during cardiac development in rat embryos.
Approach: Rat embryo hearts were harvested at 20,5 days after mating in control and treated groups. The hearts were frozen and imaged in a label-free approach. Image segmentation and 3D reconstruction was optimised to quantify the heart morphology.
Result: 3D reconstruction of embryonic hearts and measurement of trabecular volume and septum thickness show a significant difference between a treated vs control group.
Figure: A. Embryo hearts were imaged at 20.5 days post mating using the Kratoscope and representative 2D section of the autofluorescence signal is shown for control and treated conditions. Image processing is performed to measure and quantify the trabecular, ventricular and wall volume. B. Preliminary results indicate that the treated animal show an increased trabecular volume and a decreased wall and ventricular volume (VG: left ventricle; VD: right ventricle). C. Representative 3D reconstruction of the embryonic heart using the native autofluorescence signal (light gray) and segmented septum (smooth gray) and ventricular volume (cyan). (Error bars represent SEM, n=2)
Courtesy of Virginie Aillerie, Amandine Vergnaud, Benjamin Lauzier, URM-S 1087 Institut du Thorax, Nantes Université, Nantes, France
Kratoscopy as a service​
In collaboration with the microscopy and histology platform MicroPICell from Nantes University / SFR François Bonamy, Kaer Labs can propose the technique as a service. It is as simple as shipping us your organs embedded in paraffin or frozen in OCT. Contact us for more information on prices and processes.