Metastatic lung cancer
Aim: characterize metastatic distribution in whole organ / pulmonary cancer model
Approach: label free imaging, paraffin embedded sample
Result: Visualization and segmentation of lung metastasis.
Figures: A. 3D reconstruction of a full mouse lung using the autofluorescence signal. B. Lung metastases were segmented using pixel classification on Imaris software, and visualised within the contour of the lung.
Courtesy of Olivia Bawa, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France
Kratoscopy as a service​
In collaboration with the microscopy and histology platform MicroPICell from Nantes University / SFR François Bonamy, Kaer Labs can propose the technique as a service. It is as simple as shipping us your organs embedded in paraffin or frozen in OCT. Contact us for more information on prices and processes.